
Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Nasi Lemak Mak Liha

Nasi Lemak Mak Liha. Nasi lemak is a dish originating in Malay cuisine that consists of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf. It is commonly found in Malaysia, where it is considered the national dish. It is also the native dish in neighbouring areas with significant Malay populations such as Singapore, Brunei.

Nasi Lemak Mak Liha The other main ingredient of nasi lemak is sambal. Sambal is the soul of the. How to make Malaysia signature meal, Nasi Lemak with all its trimmings. You can have Nasi Lemak Mak Liha using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nasi Lemak Mak Liha

  1. Prepare 2.5 of pot beras wangi.
  2. You need of Air secukupnya.
  3. It's 1 kotak of santan Kara.
  4. You need 2 helai of daun pandan (dipotong kecil).
  5. It's 5 of biji lada hitam.
  6. It's of Garam.
  7. It's of Gula.

Nasi lemak is rice cooked with coconut milk, served with spicy anchovies sambal (or. Nasi Lemak one the most celebtrated dish in Malaysia. Nasi Lemak, one of the oldest and most favorite dish in Malaysia at the same time also loved in other neighbor countries. Nasi Lemak is also Malaysia's national dishand as a Malaysian that lives abroad, having Nasi Lemak really cures the homesickness or it can just have the total opposite effect and make you more homesick.

Nasi Lemak Mak Liha step by step

  1. Basuh beras, tos dan masukkan ke dalam periuk. Masak nasi dengan air secukupnya. Sukatan air bergantung kepada beras seperti memasak nasi biasa..
  2. Masukkan santan, daun pandan, garam, gula dan lada hitam..
  3. Gaul rata dan biarkan sehingga masak. Dah siappp..
  4. Hidangkan panas-panas bersama sambal bilis petai tempoyak, timun, telur rebus dan ikan gelama masin. Wuhu! Resipi Sambal Bilis Petai Tempoyak: https://cookpad.com/my/recipes/14087650-sambal-bilis-petai-tempoyak-mak-liha-20?invite_token=5EGtHUpqyk5JdQS4np64s8eb&shared_at=1621601928.

Think you can't cook Malaysian food? This spicy, tangy, vibrant cuisine is well within reach if you have a copy of chef Christina Arokiasamy's new cookbook. No other dish in Malaysia is as famous as nasi lemak. It consists of rice cooked in coconut milk that is traditionally served with anchovies, cucumbers, peanuts, and boiled eggs. The dish is rounded up with the addition of a spicy chili paste called sambal.

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