
Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ayam percik simple

Ayam percik simple. Upload this just incase I forgot the recipe. Follow @khairulaming on his instagram to know more. Setiap kali bulan puasa, mesti ada rasa teringin nak makan ayam percik.

Ayam percik simple Dah lama teringat nak buat ayam percik. Sekarang ni kalau boleh nak perbanyakkan masak kat rumah.demi utk anak anak. Biar diorang byk makan hasil air tangan mak dia. You can cook Ayam percik simple using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ayam percik simple

  1. Prepare 4 of ketul bahagian Peha Ayam.
  2. Prepare 1 of biji Bawang Besar/ Merah*.
  3. It's 3 ulas of Bawang Putih*.
  4. You need 1 of inci Halia*.
  5. Prepare 1 of inci Lengkuas*.
  6. It's 2 of @3 batang Serai*.
  7. You need 1 of sudu besar Serbuk ketumbar.
  8. You need 1 of sudu besar Jintan Manis*.
  9. You need 2-3 of sudu besar cili Kisar (kalau nak lebih pedas boleh tambah lagi).
  10. You need 2-3 of sudu besar Sos Cili.
  11. It's 200 ml of Santan.
  12. You need of Gula Melaka & gula putih secukup rasa.
  13. Prepare of Garam secukup rasa.
  14. Prepare of Secukup rasa (optional).

Nak bezakan ayam percik utara dengan ayam percik Kelantan dan ayam percik Terengganu ni Resepi ayam percik utara paling simple TAPI sedap. Ini adalah reseipi ayam percik yang sedap giler. Dan yang menariknya cara masakkannya sangat Bagaimana memasak resepi Ayam Percik yang sedap dan simple? Dalam post ini saya nak kongsi.

Ayam percik simple step by step

  1. Kisar bahan bertanda * dan sediakan bahan..
  2. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali ayam ke dalam belangga.. kemudian masak sehingga mendidih. Selepas itu masukkan ayam dan masak sehingga separuh masak..
  3. Apabila separuh masak, siap untuk dipanggang. Letakkan sedikit sos sebelum diterbalikkan..

Hailing from Kelantan, ayam percik consists of marinated chicken that is traditionally slowly grilled over charcoal. It is prepared with bone-in cuts that are generously seasoned with a spice blend that usually. Have you tried this Ayam Percik recipe we made recently? It's super delicious and easy to make! Pair it with our Cauliflower Nasi Kerabu and prepared to be mind blown!

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